Seen in Michigan...
Has Global Warming (Climate Change on cold days) destroyed the old Democrat electoral coalition?
Is it’s over... killed by billionaire climate advocates like Al Gore, Tom Steyer, Mike Bloomberg and their media and political servants and any who see themselves as superior to we peasants?
For decades the Democrat championed the “little guy”, the blue collar working class and traditional union households. They were awarded many electoral victories as a result. But has that changed? Yes it has… the Democrat party is now the party of the privileged (mostly white) 1%... the richest among us! With the election of Donald Trump they no longer hide or even advocate for the “little guy”. Their new coalition are the outcasts from what once was normal society… the gays, the transgenders, the illegal migrants, single women on welfare and of course the richest of the rich. The old blue collar working class (especially white) have been discarded. The reason IMHO is Global Warming… note now the “progressive” prefers to promote and champion those who don’t reproduce.
The blame for Global Warming (Climate Change on cold days or AGW/CC) has always been placed on prosperity and living the 21st Century “good life” for the masses. Wide-spread “common” citizen prosperity is the AGW/CC villain. All things considered prosperous, from driving your SUV, a warm house in winter and even the backyard barbecue threatens Mother Earth with dangerous CO2! It must now be limited. From this we get a demand (hear and read them) that the "villain" of mass prosperity must now be carefully and strictly rationed to prevent AGW/CC. A “crisis” so dangerous that freedom itself must be limited and regulated. It will inevitably create a world-wide “caste” system… those are permitted prosperity (rulers-“owners”) and those subject to rationing (all of the rest of us). This has caused the Democrats and “progressives” to no longer be able to champion the “little guy”… as it’s to risky for the planet. To better control who gets to be prosperous and who doesn’t a poor, ignorant and nominally educated population is preferred… explaining the “progressives” desire for migrants from the 3rd world… they come already poor and ignorant, happy with little more than subsistence rations.
This “new” way is really the old way… royalty and peasantry... a neo-feudalism! The Liberal 1% (Hollywood, media, political class) sees themselves as the new “divine right of kings”… destined to rule and control those of us of “lesser DNA” (AKA: "Deplorables"). Any natural disaster is now the fault of and always explained by Global Warming (Climate Change on cold days)! To be used as the justification for any and all control of we the “human livestock” who MUST be controlled! For to let us prosper in mass (as unique to modern western societies) is to RUIN the planet! This is not so much Marxism as a world-wide Old South plantation (feudalism)… where the “owners” thrive in the “mansions on the hill” and we (serfs at best, slaves at worst)… have the fruits of our labor stolen and forced to live a rationed subsistence in our "designated habitation zones" and government housing (private homes outlawed for the serfs). You'll need a permit to do anything that once was considered normal... from your backyard BBQ to taking a road trip... you'll need a permit to leave your "designated habitation zone" before your vacation... if we're even allowed a vacation! The Bill of Rights tossed in the dust bin of history!
Good news! It all for our own “good” and salvation of the planet of course! A dystopian existence for most of us for sure... but Mother Gaia will be saved!
#Global Warming
For decades the Democrat championed the “little guy”, the blue collar working class and traditional union households. They were awarded many electoral victories as a result. But has that changed? Yes it has… the Democrat party is now the party of the privileged (mostly white) 1%... the richest among us! With the election of Donald Trump they no longer hide or even advocate for the “little guy”. Their new coalition are the outcasts from what once was normal society… the gays, the transgenders, the illegal migrants, single women on welfare and of course the richest of the rich. The old blue collar working class (especially white) have been discarded. The reason IMHO is Global Warming… note now the “progressive” prefers to promote and champion those who don’t reproduce.
The blame for Global Warming (Climate Change on cold days or AGW/CC) has always been placed on prosperity and living the 21st Century “good life” for the masses. Wide-spread “common” citizen prosperity is the AGW/CC villain. All things considered prosperous, from driving your SUV, a warm house in winter and even the backyard barbecue threatens Mother Earth with dangerous CO2! It must now be limited. From this we get a demand (hear and read them) that the "villain" of mass prosperity must now be carefully and strictly rationed to prevent AGW/CC. A “crisis” so dangerous that freedom itself must be limited and regulated. It will inevitably create a world-wide “caste” system… those are permitted prosperity (rulers-“owners”) and those subject to rationing (all of the rest of us). This has caused the Democrats and “progressives” to no longer be able to champion the “little guy”… as it’s to risky for the planet. To better control who gets to be prosperous and who doesn’t a poor, ignorant and nominally educated population is preferred… explaining the “progressives” desire for migrants from the 3rd world… they come already poor and ignorant, happy with little more than subsistence rations.
This “new” way is really the old way… royalty and peasantry... a neo-feudalism! The Liberal 1% (Hollywood, media, political class) sees themselves as the new “divine right of kings”… destined to rule and control those of us of “lesser DNA” (AKA: "Deplorables"). Any natural disaster is now the fault of and always explained by Global Warming (Climate Change on cold days)! To be used as the justification for any and all control of we the “human livestock” who MUST be controlled! For to let us prosper in mass (as unique to modern western societies) is to RUIN the planet! This is not so much Marxism as a world-wide Old South plantation (feudalism)… where the “owners” thrive in the “mansions on the hill” and we (serfs at best, slaves at worst)… have the fruits of our labor stolen and forced to live a rationed subsistence in our "designated habitation zones" and government housing (private homes outlawed for the serfs). You'll need a permit to do anything that once was considered normal... from your backyard BBQ to taking a road trip... you'll need a permit to leave your "designated habitation zone" before your vacation... if we're even allowed a vacation! The Bill of Rights tossed in the dust bin of history!
Good news! It all for our own “good” and salvation of the planet of course! A dystopian existence for most of us for sure... but Mother Gaia will be saved!
Notice: the more the long promised predicted climate disasters don’t happen,
the worse it gets!
#Global Warming
#Climate Change
#Climate Crisis
#Climate Emergency
#Climate Justice
“The conclusion must be that man-made climate change and the
need to eliminate carbon emissions to avoid climate change simply do not exist.”
#DemDespotStalin2020 Virus More Dangerous than Covid-19!
Today's science update: In the state to state Covid19 case clinical studies... more Democrats than Republicans seem to test positive for the tyranny virus. Not that Republicans are immune... but they appear to be more resistant, especially to the particularly virulent #DemDespotStalin2020 strain of the virus, that has proven so contagious to Democrat governors and mayors. Symptoms include a dangerous allergic reaction to Constitution, common sense, civil liberties and in severe cases... the onset of delusional "thou shall worship no other gods before me" demands!
It's is suggested by virus "experts", that to "flatten the curve" of the tyranny virus, those infected with #DemDespotStalin2020 be put in lockdown (or possibly even locked up) for the foreseeable future to insure proper Socialist Distancing, and to guarantee the safety of the people. Anyone opposing these necessary actions, are most likely infected themselves and are clearly science deniers!
It's is suggested by virus "experts", that to "flatten the curve" of the tyranny virus, those infected with #DemDespotStalin2020 be put in lockdown (or possibly even locked up) for the foreseeable future to insure proper Socialist Distancing, and to guarantee the safety of the people. Anyone opposing these necessary actions, are most likely infected themselves and are clearly science deniers!
ALL Tyranny is Done for the "Good" and "Safety" of the People!
Ponderance for today...
Have you ever considered our establishment political parties are kinda, sorta, maybe like WWE wrestling? It looks like a fight, sounds like a fight… but is all scripted… the “outcome” already decided… cause maybe both DemWits and RINO Reprotiles serve the same Big Tech, World Money Changer billionaire “owners?” Can that explain the visceral hostility to President Trump from most all the media-political DeeCee “Swamp” complex? They see him as an interloper, invader a “virus” who took over “their property”… their DeeCee… “their presidency”… and worse, he threatens their racket$!
I recall a history professor observing many years ago: 'You can't have a Big Tyrant (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Saddam etc) without an entire network of mini-tyrants... bureaucrats and officials who live in terror of the mini-tyrant just above them and simultaneously terrorize those below them.
#RustyIrony: While all tyranny is done for the “good” and “safety” of the people, its’ foundation is fear and threat! All the levels of mini-tyrants also live in constant fear of displeasing their immediate superiors and being sacked (or worse!). Even the BIG Tyrant lives in fear of being overthrown or assassinated. NO ONE is allowed to relax or live in peace and security.. tension is ever present, despair always close by! Citizens are encouraged to rat on others to gain any small advantage in this putrid arrangement! Trust no one, suspect everyone... you are ALONE and HELPLESS! L.A. mayor Eric Garcetti (D) and N.Y.C. mayor Bill de Blasio (D) recently stepped up to prove this point! They encouraged their citizens (subjects?) to spy and snitch on each other… right out of the Stalin playbook!
In some areas (most but not all "Blue") we are seeing the infancy of this during the shutdown... when churchgoers are fined, people taking a walk arrested, people who seek to reopen their businesses punished and civil liberties suspended... the question of "cure worse than disease" is certainly valid to ask! But if you dare ask it... you get the mob refrain... "you must want people to die!"
Proving yet again the ancient truism... all tyranny is done for the "good" and "safety" of the people, even if it kills them! They will strangle you to keep you "safe" and "secure." #SocialistDistancing!
Have you ever considered our establishment political parties are kinda, sorta, maybe like WWE wrestling? It looks like a fight, sounds like a fight… but is all scripted… the “outcome” already decided… cause maybe both DemWits and RINO Reprotiles serve the same Big Tech, World Money Changer billionaire “owners?” Can that explain the visceral hostility to President Trump from most all the media-political DeeCee “Swamp” complex? They see him as an interloper, invader a “virus” who took over “their property”… their DeeCee… “their presidency”… and worse, he threatens their racket$!
I recall a history professor observing many years ago: 'You can't have a Big Tyrant (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Saddam etc) without an entire network of mini-tyrants... bureaucrats and officials who live in terror of the mini-tyrant just above them and simultaneously terrorize those below them.
#RustyIrony: While all tyranny is done for the “good” and “safety” of the people, its’ foundation is fear and threat! All the levels of mini-tyrants also live in constant fear of displeasing their immediate superiors and being sacked (or worse!). Even the BIG Tyrant lives in fear of being overthrown or assassinated. NO ONE is allowed to relax or live in peace and security.. tension is ever present, despair always close by! Citizens are encouraged to rat on others to gain any small advantage in this putrid arrangement! Trust no one, suspect everyone... you are ALONE and HELPLESS! L.A. mayor Eric Garcetti (D) and N.Y.C. mayor Bill de Blasio (D) recently stepped up to prove this point! They encouraged their citizens (subjects?) to spy and snitch on each other… right out of the Stalin playbook!
In some areas (most but not all "Blue") we are seeing the infancy of this during the shutdown... when churchgoers are fined, people taking a walk arrested, people who seek to reopen their businesses punished and civil liberties suspended... the question of "cure worse than disease" is certainly valid to ask! But if you dare ask it... you get the mob refrain... "you must want people to die!"
Proving yet again the ancient truism... all tyranny is done for the "good" and "safety" of the people, even if it kills them! They will strangle you to keep you "safe" and "secure." #SocialistDistancing!