

#WealthTaxScam... The mega-rich don't pay taxes... they make political contributions!

In the decades following WWII, the USA built the greatest middle class the world had ever seen. But alas, it sometimes becomes too politically active for our corrupt “masters” to accept (electing Reagan and Trump). The DeeCee political class (Dems and RINOs) have sought our demise in the years hence.

The Democrat Party, once the (alleged) “champions” of the working middle class sold out (beginning with the Clintons) to BigTech, Wall Street and the world billionaires (#RustyIrony… the most mega-capitalists in history)… DeeCee became a marketplace to buy political power, the middle class can’t compete. Now with election integrity uncertain (as when millions of “votes” 90% Dem drop at 4am)… and with a prosperous and independent middle class now blamed for Global Warming (Climate Change on cold days) the Liberal's once favored middle class overnight have become the enemy… no longer to be championed, but now must be reduced and controlled, less we “damage” the planet.  The Democrat bait and switch "Wealth Tax" proposal is laughable... it may get passed, but never really implemented as I speculate... all the needed "loopholes" to "geld" it are already in the 10,000+ pages of the tax code. IRS bureaucrats vs Billionaire's army of the best tax lawyers and accountants.... who you betting on? LOL!!! 

Karl Marx hated the bourgeoisie (middle class) because they tend to be independent and hard to rule! Peasants and serfs, living just above a rationed subsistence are far easier to deal with (as millions are imported at the southern border). Nope... note to peasant Leftists (BLM, Antifa and assorted SJWs): this won’t be a socialist utopia… but a feudal dystopia (joke's on you!). One where the “deplorable” class soon lives on rations, every aspect of life rationed, licensed, permitted, regulated and controlled… but our new feudal lord’s private jets will fly unhindered... and their beach front mansions (somehow?) won't get flooded.  



BigTech... the 21st Century Roman Empire? YouTube Censors "Let's Go Brandon" Rap Song...

 #RustyIrony The Roman Empire was openly hostile to the early Christian church, and sought to censor it… yet the social stability and wide reach of the empire allowed Paul and the other apostles to spread the Gospel message far and wide… to eventually overcome the hostility and convert the Western world.  BigTech today is much like the Roman empire of old… also ruled by "emperors" openly hostile to the Christian faith, yet its' wordwide reach allows the Gospel message to spread in much the same way. Such is why I don’t believe we should abandon social media… that’s where the lost are, starting at the very  billionaire top.  A small but IMHO maybe significant example here:  YouTube censors Christian rapper’s “Let’s Go Brandon”… with just the opposite of the desired effect. #RustyIrony #2 on iTunes.  As did the Apostle Paul in the 1st Century who persisted through the persecution to conquer an empire with the Gospel of Jesus Christ... so shall we? 

YouTube's Let's Go Brandon Censor Fail.



Masks for Thee but not for Me... Learn the Plan, a Global Neo-Feudalism...Masters and Serfs.

Masks (and other rules) for thee but not for me. Every once and a while… some truth slips through the media WokeLeftazi filter!  If anyone pays attention, they will soon learn (misnamed)“progressives” HATE the middle class!  As that’s where most all Trump “deplorable” voters reside. Karl Marx opposed the bourgeoisie because they tend to be independent and hard to rule! The root of all (misnamed) “progressive” thinking is a hostility to individual freedom and one keeping the fruits of their own labor. The “progressive” vision of the “middle-class” is food stamp rationing, disarming the populace, everything requiring permits, licenses, fees and taxes and strangling control of our lives. Every “progressive” policy seeks to diminish the freedom and property of the individual… and is the most anti-middle class ideology out there!  Ultimately “Progressives” seek a feudal society… masters and serfs.  They shall eat maskless at expensive restaurants and live in their mansions… while we (no longer able to afford energy costs) shiver or swelter in our "mud huts"... our lives regulated by endless mandates and restrictions. We are to obediently serve without question or risk being "cancelled."  

For that to happen, the middle class must be broken and impoverished.  The "Blue" states and areas of the country are the labs for this policy. In every case... the middle class is to be weakened and diminished.  The Democrat Party no longer even pretends to value the middle class... we are now the villains, as a prosperous and independent middle class "threatens the planet"... so all aspects what used to be "normal life" now must be rationed, regulated  and controlled by an army of faceless hyper-bureaucrats. #GlobalWarmingClimateChangeOnColdDays.  

Meanwhile at Nancy's mansion $10 a pint ice cream is served... with only the serfs wearing masks.  

$Trillions in "Build Back Better."  The modern "woke" Democrat party (and subset RINOs) are now fully billionaire corporately BigTech owned... most media their loyal servants (the people be damned!). The Fed creates trillion$ in “new” money with a few keystrokes, sends it to BigBank Wall Street money changers (see: Matthew 21:12-13... they share same DNA) who get to spend it before its value is lost to inflation caused by this very policy (keeps Stock Market artificially high).  These corporate and Deep State billionaires are openly hostile to the middle class.  

This enriching the rich (aka: "quantitative easing") was official Democrat/RINO Obama (and now Biden) policy (textbook “trickle down”).  While some (of you) buy the Socialist Serpent empty promises of “free stuff.”  We “peasants” (Dem and GOP voters) are watching the imposition of (not Socialism) but a corporate top-down neo-feudalism (masters and serfs)... yet many (mostly Dems) cheer it on, marching into the Hell of serfdom with a silly smile on their faces… but their snark still intact.  Unlike them, some of us see right through this government/corporate theft... the biggest Ponzi scam in human history!!!  President Donald Trump, love him or hate him… posed a real threat to this Ponzi scam… he had to be removed at all costs, even if the Republic and Constitution was destroyed.  That's just "necessary" collateral damage! Their corporate Deep State is preserved. 

Tyrants do NOT CARE if you trust them... they do NOT CARE if you don't believe their LIES... only that you obediently assert their lies true and obey their edicts without question. Tyrants actually get satisfaction when you obey them without trusting and assert their lies true while knowing they're false.  It shows them you are a defeated and compliant serf... which was their goal all along.  #NeoFeudalism 



Jesus and the Woman caught in Adultery... and Those Caught Today in "Woke" Violations.

One of the most well known New Testament Holy Bible stories (John 8:1-11) is of Jesus’ mercy in the account of the woman caught in adultery. The Law at the time proscribed capital punishment… she condemned to be stoned to death for her crime. But Jesus was fortunate… He was dealing with fairly decent and moral “mob”… for when (in verse 7) He suggested: “All right, but let the one without sin cast the first stone!”… at that moment they realized their own failures and one by one, dropped their stones and slipped away. He forgave the woman and admonished the woman to “go and sin no more.” I think… without some form of moral code and decency… they would’ve killed her, just as the Law proscribed.

Go forth a coupla thousand years to 2021. Today in “woke” world, if she had been brought to Him for say… the crime of using an “incorrect” pronoun or saying "men can't have babies" or a mean Tweet a decade ago. I’m not certain Jesus' appeal to the Wokers better natures would’ve worked. The “woke” mob of today has shown only a desire to be merciless and cruel… going to and fro seeking who they can accuse and punish and destroy for some PeeCee violation and/or other perceived misdeed… past or present! I fear the poor woman would be “cancelled” in a fusillade of flying rocks. God help us from the “triggered woke.” Justathought. #CancelCultureHasNoMercy.



The New Old South Plantations?

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