

National Debt. It's out of date the second it's printed.




J.D. Vance and Kamala Harris weirdstakes!




Total Incompetence?!?




New York "Justice."




All Trump Haters Eventually Go Insane.

The pandemic of TDS causes anyone who contracts it to quickly become insane. Latest victim in Nikki Haley. Once thought be a rising star in the GOP, she’s now gone the way of Chris Christie, Ann Coulter, Pierre Delecto, China Mitch and other RINOs that sadly infect the “establishment” cesspool GOP.
TGS has long caused Democrats to lose their minds and GOP RINOs to lose their spines but recently the RINOs have also started to lose their minds and become spineless, mindless and totally useless! It proves my thought that in reality Donald Trump IS the THIRD party! He uses the GOP because the RINO wing has sold it soul to Global Satan, signed on with the Swampers and have become worthless Quislings. Worse even than Democrats! Democrats will shoot you in the face, but Quisling RINOs shoot you in the back. Sorry bunch of a**holes!




More over XX ladies, the XY girls is taking over!




After all No One is above the "Law." #StalinLives!

It is past time for the FBI (Federal Bureau of Inquisition) and the DOaJ (Department of anti-Justice, they're now far beyond mere injustice) to do a pre-dawn raid on the homes/offices of the six offending SCOTUS justices... we all know they've committed a "crime" against the state somewhere, sometime! After all no one is above the "law." #StalinLives! 



The "army" that will? From Citizens to Serfs?

In the chance of open rebellion and/or large scale citizen civil disobedience, and fearing the U.S. military and much of local/sate law enforcement may refuse to fire on their citizen neighbors, could the open border importation of millions of military age young men be made into the "army" that will?




Open letter to all GOP 2024 candidates… Be Brave or face the Coming WokeLeftazi "Reign of Terror."

GOP candidates, if they get Trump, none of you will ever be be president... for the light of Liberty will be extinguished by new “Woke” dark ages, and we shall become little more than serfs. All aspects of what used to be normal life will soon be a regulated, controlled and rationed dystopia.  

The cowardice of GOPe is breathtaking at times and gives me little confidence anyone represents me. Trump's taking all the arrows, time to stand with him on these sham indictments, or you will be next. I've worried for years there a virulent pathogen, a pandemic that infects politicians. Its symptoms cause Democrats to lose their minds and Republicans to lose their SPINES! I pray as a candidate you still have yours. 

Now there's the "65 Project" evil, that threatens to punish even disbar any lawyer who dares to defend and represent Trump. This "65 Project" moves the ball from injustice to anti-justice. These Stalinists demand nothing less than Bill of Attainder for Trump. Which goes from unconstitutional to anti-constitutional, slimy cowards all of them. Don't think for a minute they won't try it with you and any GOP candidate. Okay to dislike Trump, but you must speak out against this tyranny!!!

Bottom line: The Biden administration and their media, BigTech billionaire “woke” allies clearly see average working Americans as the enemy. They demand total control of all aspects of our lives. They see us as little more than human livestock, to be conquered and controlled. Reduced from free citizens to obedient serfs living a rationed subsistence. Every action and policy they advocate pursues that goal. They see themselves as our feudal lords and our “owners.”   They despise the Judeo-Christian foundations of our nation because in their arrogance they demand "no other gods before them."  Judeo-Christians will NEVER worship government over God, so we must be diminished and destroyed. The latest of the ever expanding  LGTBQIA2S+ lunacy is just their latest weapon. Government is god and we shall worship exclusively at that altar. 



The Lavrentiy Beria award for 2023 goes to (envelope please)...


American "Justice" System goes bananas! 
Not injustice, it's now anti-justice!

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