

Big Bang and other Variations... and Middle East Peace?

Evolution is “fact”… "Climate Change" is "fact"!  So claim its ardent adherents, but most of their confidence is bravado… if they indeed had facts to prove it, they would not get so agitated and often near apoplectic when “dumb, ignorant” Christians/theists (like me) challenge their assertions. Why does scientific fact need court decisions and legal sanctions against opposing views? In such actions, the militant evolutionist betrays his/her views as just another religion (join the club guys/gals).

We all got religion... even no religion is religion, Evolution is ultimately religion. Religion is part of our DNA. Within the limits of our Earthly knowledge, the answers to all great questions of life are ultimately... speculations.

The accepted (not proved) origin of the universe (always subject to change) by most evolutionary cosmologists is known as the “Big Bang Model (Theory)” (not to be confused with the braindead TV comedy of the same name). The irony of acceptance of the “Big Bang” is the admission the universe had a finite beginning (that leans theist a bit)… when first advocated Big Bang had a hostile reception from those who advanced the “Steady State Model” (a prior “truth” of cosmic explanation). Eventually the steady Staters lost the argument. The only thing all could agree own was God/Intelligent Creator was NOT involved. Somehow, someway the incredibly and complex universe and the origin of life just somehow came to be… something us ignorant theists would brave to call a “miracle”.
Which brings us to Islam... Islam has a different take on Big Bang ... ask the survivors from 9-11 through the Moscow airport, and many incidents in between. As an unabashed theist, I assert all was foretold millennia ago: Muslims trace their lineage to Abraham though Ishmael (not Isaac as do Jews and Christians)... it was prophesied 3,500 years ago by Genesis 16:12: "… he shall be as a wild ass among men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell against all his brethren."

Too me... most interesting in the prophecy is... it says ALL his brethren... and that must also include other Muslims. Which means and history (so far) has not contradicted, as long as the Middle East is Muslim there will NEVER be peace!

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