The Reality: Liberals HATE the middle class! Lies, Damn Lies and Ponzi "Progressive"/Liberalism.
Liberal the word, has been badly distorted (as has "progressive" here it's always in quotes)… they claim an exclusive on compassion but do it with other people’s money? That’s NOT compassion, but larceny!!!. The modern “Liberal/Progressive” is the very definition of the GREED they claim to abhor (wink, wink!). But demanding ownership of what someone else had produced is the very definition of GREED! Their constant bleats are like a robber accusing you of “greed” when you resist his theft.
Liberals/Progressives “Imagine” group ownership of all, with little if any private property. But! In this system who controls this property? The aforementioned great “leaders”(Rulers!). After confiscation, they allocate resources as they see fit, with most of the allocation for them (the great lies of “Fairness”, "Equality" and "Justice"). We the people? A rationed subsistence "trickled down" from centralized hyper-nannies! Liberal/"Progressives" always bemoan that too much "wealth and power" in our world is controlled by so few… their "solution" ALL wealth and power controlled by even fewer! Odd logic (anti-logic?) the exact outcome of centralized government they advocate??? (Go figure???). Innovation and motivation to work is frustrated by strangling regulation, every aspect of life permitted, taxed and licensed! The economy is hamstrung and production is curtailed, resulting in less and less to be "shared" under the direction of our “benevolent protectors”.
If one spends two minutes with truth… they will quickly learn Democrat/liberals/”progressives” HATE the middle class! Think a moment… their alleged “beloved” middle class, especially the blue collar whites and independent small business… are where most of the GOP vote resides these days. (I wish the RINOs would learn this). Obamas “economic policies” overwhelmingly favor the 1% (Fed prints money, sends it to Wall Street… stock market soaring, middle class pooring)! Observe (with the exception of the hated Koch Brothers)… nearly ALL the richest 1% (Hollywood, BIG media, Gates, Buffet, Steyer) are loyal Democrats and Obama’s golf pals (having purchased their Obamacare exemptions)! Obamacare, with its fines, and the growing regulatory state seeks to punish these mostly hard working middle class voters... who dare vote GOP! They know they are losing the real middle class, so Democrats seek to replace them with low skill, low educated foreigners (amnesty)… who's main “job” will be to vote Democrat early and often (without ID) and most importantly stay poor, low skilled and uneducated and always on the "Plantation" (the job of government public schools). Most middle class Democrats appear to be government workers… teachers, bureaucrats and such, though some are prone to wander. When Scott Walker and other GOP governors stop forced public employee union membership and dues… these organizations declined rapidly (follow the money). Closing this rant with a review of the biggest lies in “progressive” history in no particular order:
1. Serpent in the Garden (first recorded liberal promise)… “eat of it and you shall be like God” (Genesis 3:5)
2. “If you like your plan and doctor, you can keep your plan and doctor” (who said that?)
3. “The check’s in the mail” (Oft used, origin unknown)
4. Democrats “care” about the middle class (with the possible exception of #1, maybe the biggest lie of all!).
God bless!