

"Scientists" and AlGore claim High Levels of CO2 Making People Dumber (But maybe not Dumb Enough)

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The “problem” (IMHO) is it’s not making people dumb enough! Tons of Bee Ess ideology pretending to be “science” (Global Warming/Climate Change on cold days... or AGW/CC))… is dumped daily into our biosphere… far more damaging to the people of Earth than CO2.  For liberty and prosperity (to be replaced with a rationed subsistence) must be surrendered to central hyper-nanny-bureaucrat authority to “save” the planet! ("dear leaders" exempt... of course)  But in spite of a media full court press, not enough people are dumb enough (yet?) to buy the Global Warming /Climate Change on cold days... (or AGW/CC) narrative.
However AlGore/others,  all is not lost, I will suggest those pushing the ideology pretending to be “science” (AlGore, Jeff Green, Tom Steyer, Ted Turner, liberal politicians, Hollywood, BIG MEDIA, etc.) immediately park their jets (used to fly in luxury to “climate conferences” at exclusive resorts), junk their limos and SUVs, move out of their mansions into tiny houses and lead by example. For if humans living reasonably prosperous lives are really the “enemies of Earth”… AlGore and gang must lead by example! This could restore some of their credibility (slight chance). But if all signs seem to show the advocates of ideology pretending to be “science” live as if they really don’t believe it themselves, why should I or we?  Justathought from a dumb human (as per AlGore). 

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