

Sensitivity guardian at CNN says the traditional holiday movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” is sexist and should be retired!

Not fit for 21st Century PeeCee police approval per CNN's Carol Costello!

#Hillaryarius! The sexism is everywhere!!! CNN sees that Mr. Potter is the Liberal seeking to put the people in the straight jacket of his "public housing" and George Bailey is the "Donald Trump" seeking to make Bedford Falls great again by freeing the people from the dictatorial power of "Progressive" Potter... (censor! Can't allow that truth out!)

As with all (misnamed) "progressives" Potter sought to own and control ALL aspects of life in Bedford Falls, seeing only George Bailey as standing in his way!  He seeks and thinks he has framed and destroyed George Bailey, as he is standing on the bridge ready to commit suicide. When angel Clarence intervenes and shows what life would be like without him... notice:

Potter changed the town's name. to Pottersville... (removing monuments and statues perhaps?)... and any previous history of the town.

Brought in gambling and prostitution (Girls, Girls, Girls neon sign), destroyed families (Taxi driver Ernie's wife left him) and put the people into despair (the bar scene with Clarence the Angel)...

Also George and Mary had very loving, committed and (alas!) heterosexual traditional marriage! Who can’t see the sexism in that?

Is it "sexist" because it shows the true goal of (misnamed) "progressives" everywhere and CNN doesn't want that to be seen?  Is not Potter was the perfect Liberal? Showing pure contempt for the little guys ("Garlic eaters") and a desire to control them and keep them poor!

Yep CNN ... "It's a Wonderful Life" sure looks just like "sexism" to me and should be "retired".
Link to CNN article... that brought this tirade on!

That's not a CNN article. It's an opinion piece of an individual. There's a big difference.
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