#WealthTaxScam... The mega-rich don't pay taxes... they make political contributions!
The Democrat Party, once the (alleged) “champions” of the working middle class sold out (beginning with the Clintons) to BigTech, Wall Street and the world billionaires (#RustyIrony… the most mega-capitalists in history)… DeeCee became a marketplace to buy political power, the middle class can’t compete. Now with election integrity uncertain (as when millions of “votes” 90% Dem drop at 4am)… and with a prosperous and independent middle class now blamed for Global Warming (Climate Change on cold days) the Liberal's once favored middle class overnight have become the enemy… no longer to be championed, but now must be reduced and controlled, less we “damage” the planet. The Democrat bait and switch "Wealth Tax" proposal is laughable... it may get passed, but never really implemented as I speculate... all the needed "loopholes" to "geld" it are already in the 10,000+ pages of the tax code. IRS bureaucrats vs Billionaire's army of the best tax lawyers and accountants.... who you betting on? LOL!!!
Karl Marx hated the bourgeoisie (middle class) because they tend to be independent and hard to rule! Peasants and serfs, living just above a rationed subsistence are far easier to deal with (as millions are imported at the southern border). Nope... note to peasant Leftists (BLM, Antifa and assorted SJWs): this won’t be a socialist utopia… but a feudal dystopia (joke's on you!). One where the “deplorable” class soon lives on rations, every aspect of life rationed, licensed, permitted, regulated and controlled… but our new feudal lord’s private jets will fly unhindered... and their beach front mansions (somehow?) won't get flooded.