

Jesus and the Woman caught in Adultery... and Those Caught Today in "Woke" Violations.

One of the most well known New Testament Holy Bible stories (John 8:1-11) is of Jesus’ mercy in the account of the woman caught in adultery. The Law at the time proscribed capital punishment… she condemned to be stoned to death for her crime. But Jesus was fortunate… He was dealing with fairly decent and moral “mob”… for when (in verse 7) He suggested: “All right, but let the one without sin cast the first stone!”… at that moment they realized their own failures and one by one, dropped their stones and slipped away. He forgave the woman and admonished the woman to “go and sin no more.” I think… without some form of moral code and decency… they would’ve killed her, just as the Law proscribed.

Go forth a coupla thousand years to 2021. Today in “woke” world, if she had been brought to Him for say… the crime of using an “incorrect” pronoun or saying "men can't have babies" or a mean Tweet a decade ago. I’m not certain Jesus' appeal to the Wokers better natures would’ve worked. The “woke” mob of today has shown only a desire to be merciless and cruel… going to and fro seeking who they can accuse and punish and destroy for some PeeCee violation and/or other perceived misdeed… past or present! I fear the poor woman would be “cancelled” in a fusillade of flying rocks. God help us from the “triggered woke.” Justathought. #CancelCultureHasNoMercy.

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