

Hell to the Chief!

Don’t need to waste much cyber-ink on this but… What I heard from his SOTU speech was Pres Obama essentially telling me and the American people... "I know best! So sit yer sorryazz down shut-up, open yer wallet and buzz off!" ...and, of course (insert here:) "It’s all Bush’s fault".

After blaming every conceivable problem and mishap on the previous administration, and taking credit for “saving” us with His wonderful gazzilion dollar $timuula$ (His claim of "miyons" of jobs "saved" are almost ALL in the guvmint & union sector). He then began a harangue of His usual hyper-left drivel, including an unprecedented chastisement of the Supreme Court justices who dared defy tyranny and re-establish the First Amendment! (free speech is so quaint… SOOO 20th century yesterday!) Then proceeded in various references to Me, Me, Me and I, I, I, and back to Me, Me, Me and how if we only could understand He "cares" for us (I 'spose progressive fascism is good for us "lessers") and that His policies will make us better and do “right”(err…left?… this whole liberty thing is SOOO overrated, plus we are too stupid to know what's good for us!). His “plan” to help the beloved sacred suffering “middle-class” is basically “you do exactly what I say… (jump thru my hoops) and I may (...may) reward you by allowing to keep a tiny tad more of what you produce” (gee thanx! I feel it up or maybe down, my laig!).

I did agree with one point however… He is kinda right about “Climate Change”… the “Climate” more and more each day is changing to… STOP this man and his party’s idiocy before it destroys all we have! That’s hope’n change I can live with!

The amazing thing is how He squeezed it all of it into just an hour anna half... taciturn ain't he!



Lesson for POTUS Obama! Ronald Reagan was a TRUE "Bipartisan"!

As our great beloved supreme leader President Barack Obama, prepares his State of the Union Speech… he won't be we should pause (IMHO), and recall GREATNESS … and be reminded of the true meaning of “bipartisan”! I pray everyday for President Obama… that he soon will have a “Damascus Road” experience with the spirit of the great one… “Renuldus Maximus” (Kinda like 42nd President Bill “What’s bigger, my ego or my libido” Clinton, who after the kerplunk ’94 mid-terms, tacked center-right with success). Lord, I tried!... many times since Obama’s election, I have screamed advice at my TV… ” Mr. President, talk like Karl Marx if you must… but govern like Reagan, and (in spite of Rush Limbaugh) you will succeed”! Dunno why(???), but he’s missed my sincere advice somehow so far!

40th President Ronald “Renuldus Maximus” Reagan was the last TRUE bipartisan president! Upon taking office in 1981 (faced with similar economic circumstances as today), he told House Speaker and Uber-Liberal Tip O’Neil and the Democrats… “Go along with my plan, and you can also share credit for the success!” For this, of course the DemWit Leftnoids and media HATED him!!! But it didn’t matter, the PEOPLE (including the “Reagan Democrats”) LOVED him! His market-based policies and tax cuts boomed the economy for two decades! His winning 49 states (in 1984), is (IMHO) the very definition of “bipartisan” (Note: ole Mondull won his own state, Minnesota by less than 4,000 votes, barely preventing a 50-state sweep!). Reagan knew… instead of compromising your core beliefs, you convince the folks your way is better! (Obama has yet to “succeed” at this!) No one did this better than the great Renuldas! But SADLY (how was this lesson lost to GOP?), the recent GOP’s “core beliefs” have just been “LibLight”. Brings back the great question of our times... What in Washington DC (water, air, money?) robs Democrats of their minds... and Republicans of their spines???

As to the joke of the Obama’s administration’s (alleged) “War on Terror” (aka: International Contingency Plan?)... unlike many, I have always thought the so-called (lib-named) "infamous Iran-Contra scandal" was the great Renaldus Maximus' greatest foreign policy success! (WHY?)… He succeeded in getting our two biggest enemies in the Mideast Iran/Iraq to fight EACH OTHER for eight long bloody years! His administration sold arms and gave aide to whichever side was losing at the moment... then used the proceed$ to help fight the Commies in Central America...all while being the "amiable dunce" BRILLIANT!!!! Oh... you could FEEL the hate dripping from the Democrats and the LEFT media as Reagan de-constructed their “sacred” Marxist (evil) Empires! Congressional Democrats, eager to discredit (and possibly impeach?), Reagan called hearings on the “outrage” of Iran-Contra. All looked SOOOO good until Lt. Col. Oliver North handed them their collective (they do loved that term – “Collective”) asses, during his televised 1987 testimony… (T’was a thing of beauty Ollie!)

Remember... to finance their war machines Iran/Iraq had to pump a lotta oil... prices fell where gas was around 75-80 cents a gallon! AND (except for disastrous ill-advised State Department inspired Beirut fiasco)… they were so busy hating and slaughtering each other (for Allah, BTW) they pretty much left us alone for dang near a decade!!!

Note: IMHO had Reagan not listened to his State Department, I don’t think the Marine Barracks bombing, one of his few failures woulda happened… I admit speculating, but we know the State Department (then & now) is full of leftie-weenies!

The Islamo-Nuts that infect our world are gonna hate and murder somebody… Reagan understood this! He and his administration worked, and succeeded in encouraging 'em kill EACH OTHER (in LARGE numbers!)… sending lotsa of potential suicide/homicide bombers to Allah! I imagine it musta caused a REAL strain (and possible shortage?) of virgins in Islamo-Paradise!

Sweet memories as they are, we must return to 2010. Bummerly, (a RNB word)... I suspect President Obama will only offer tepid (BEE-ESSIE) proposals in his upcoming State of the Union “show”. I figure his disdain for all things Good’n Godly, and core American values such as freedom, self-reliance, market solutions (ya know Reagan stuff… things that might actually work!) is SO INGRAINED, that he and his fellow “Progressives” (how Orwellian a word) cannot overcome it! So... in spite of his obvious failure to implement (and the people's rejection of), his hyper-left agenda in his first year, and in the midst of continuing economic morass... he'll most likely offer us only more empty platitudes, condescension and “happy leftist nitwittery talk" (the one thing he has succeeded at). Can November get here quick enough?!?!?

Hmmmm… I think I’ll watch HGTV or FOOD Channel Wednesday night.



RedNeckoBlogger's Weekend Ramblings

The Supreme Court’s ruling, Citizen United v. Federal Elections Commission… is most notable in how it really PO’d the hard core liberals, “Progressives” and Statists (most politicians, media, etc., are in a RAGE!!!!)… as we hear rants against this overturing of "precedent"! The "precedent" overturned is a lotta (totally anti-free speech) "Incumbent Protection" acts passed over the last 100 years or so... so it HAS to be good!

Social Security and Medicare are often held up as government successes... they are popular (with the recipients) as are most OPM (Other People’s Money) programs… BUT they are going broke just like ANY Ponzi scam eventually does! Then we get a 2,000+ page “Healthcare Reform” (Orwellian isn’t it!) ... thankfully the folks appear to be catching on (we hope)!

The bottom line is ALWAYS the bottom line... CO$T. Cost rations care, be it insurance company of government. You can fight, and maybe win, with the insurance company... good luck fighting the government! When socialized medicine "infects" the country, then faceless government WILL get between you and you doctor... "they" are gonna determine your care based on your “worth” to society… are you young enough, healthy enough, skilled enough to “contribute” to the “public good” if not… here’s some pain pills (maybe). How is that any different than a Antebellum plantation owner deciding if an injured slave is worth saving? Or just shoot ‘em and put ‘em outta their (and my) misery!

Things I shoulda done... I dunno if I coulda, but I wish I wouda... copyrighted the
F-(bomb) word years back. Two good things coulda happened, every time Hollywood wanted to use it, they would hafta pay me... (could run into the gazillion$). Or, to avoid payment they wouldn’t use the word, and I could take my kids to the movies more often. Bummer, I didn’t think of it sooner!

And finally... Nothing pushes the heathen buttons like dissing the sacred Darwin... there are lots more Evo-skeptics in the scientific realm than you may know about... one of the most hated is Lehigh professor Dr. Michael Behe (Darwin’s Black Box): "When treated with even the mildest skepticism, the mighty Darwinian citadel fades into a Potemkin village. No wonder that the National Academy books no discussion of the theory's premises; premises are just about all it's got." Damn!!! Truth hurts, the evolution emperor is buck naked!




Lefties and the War on Terror? Fellow travelers... "Down for the Struggle"???

Many Americans (like me!) often lament and are frustrated by the lack of a united front against our current enemies... ya know... like we had as a nation in World War II. Geez, even Hollywood and the “Media” were on board! What is forgotten... (insert history lesson here), is this unity did not occur at first… communists and socialists in the West from 1939-41, were at best lukewarm, and at worst hostile to British/French resistance to Germany. This was a result of the 1939 non-aggression pact signed by Germany and the U.S.S.R. which gave Hitler the green light to attack Poland, an invasion later joined by the Ruskies. This pact also prompted and permitted the Soviets to attack Finland.

All changed on June 22, 1941, when Hitler betrayed the non-aggression pact at attacked the Soviet Union. When their precious “worker’s paradise” was in danger of collapse, the world's Lefties/Commies joined the war effort, thus we were “united”. President Roosevelt, along with many in his administration, also had a soft spot for the “great socialist experiment”, and were ever more anxious, to involve the U.S. in the war. Conveniently Japan accommodated on December 7, 1941, and World War II , the great liberal war, was in full fury!

Now we forward to today 2010… and many of us are flummoxed at the lack of enthusiasm and dedication modern Leftists (Er… "progressives", liberals) starting with the Obama administration, are displaying in our “World War” against Jihadists… their "progressive" little hearts just don’t seem to be in it!

Why???? Could it be… (say it ain’t so Mr. President!)… that modern Islamo-terror is just a repackaged warmed-over Marxism? Terror has always been a tool of the modern Leftist (Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Castro, Mao and Pol Pot to name a few) ... Pause a moment and recall such past “revolutionary freedom fighters” as the Europe based Baader-Meinhof Gang, Revolutionäre Zellen (RZ) and Red Army Faction. All proudly proclaimed and violently advanced their Marxist ideology. Remember in July 1976, these western Communist terrorists allied with the Islamic Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) in the infamous hijack of Air France flight 139 to Entebbe, Uganda.

Mass murder for terror was perfected in the leftist totalitarian ideologies of Communism, Fascism and Nazism that sadly "infected" much of the 20th century! Islamo-terroism takes the worst from these aforementioned “isms” and wraps it in a thin veneer of Islam. Pay attention, and note most ALL modern Islamo-terrorists (especially the leaders) have been western educated. They come to the west to get "education", attend our “fine” God, capitalism and liberty hating universities… and hear rants from the resident Commie professor how terrible America and the west are! That infused with their backward culture and leaders skilled at turning despair into rage… is a sure-fire formula that morphs into mass murder!

Now I am the first to realize Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan’s evil desires for the world had to be defeated, BUT… the irony is, four years and 55+ million dead later, the U.S.S.R. was free of all serious totalitarian competitors. AND… for the next 45 or so years they would threaten world peace and freedom, and somehow… manage to SEDUCE most of the West’s egotistic “intellectuals”. These “intellectuals”… now in the “socialist wilderness” grabbed hold desperately for any replacement to their lost Commie "blanket". They now support (or secretly sympathize with) all things anti-American, anti-freedom and anti-JudeoChristian, including modern Islamo-Fascism, which ironically (like Communism) upon gaining power, will destroy THEM first! Go figure… I think Lenin called them useful idiots.

Back to our look at the Obama administration… Why do they oh so reluctantly fight the war against the Islamists (they don't even want to call it a war)? Politically incorrect as it may be… I find myself speculating this could be because, deep down in their corrupt little liberal “progressive” hearts they kinda admire these Islamo “revolutionaries”… why else would they want to grant them full American citizen rights???!!! Do the math! It only “adds up” when you realize they have a bizzare twisted kinship… and are in many aspects fellow travelers (Marx)!!!

While not likely, this "unity" could occur again... ‘cause Iran and Al-Qaeda appear to prove my point as they are “in bed” with “worker’s paradises” like North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela (I think China's getting too capitalist to qualify). But, just for fun… speculate that like Hitler, Iran and/or Al-Qaeda betrayed and DID attack North Korea, Cuba and/or Venezuela… the lefties might again wanna join in the war effort. Hell, even Jimmah Carter, MSNBC or the New York Times might wanna fight, and even like World War II, Hollywood would again be on our side! Once again united against the common enemy! (sigh!).

But... IMHO, I don’t think any of us will live to see it!



I want to order “Affordable Health Care” (but hold the Tyranny!)

If the myriad of public opinion polls are correct… most Americans by a LARGE margin, like the healthcare they are personally receiving. It ain’t so much about the doctor, that worries most of us... it's the constantly exploding costs. Even those of us with employer paid insurance worry that soon escalading prices will curtail our good deal. So in campaign 2008, when Barak Obama promised not only “affordable healthcare reform” but that we can keep health plans we like… it was a sure winner! (Keep my current great healthcare, with somebody else paying for it… what’s not to like?) People like "help" paying for their healthcare (along with too many other things!)… and be it government, employers, the “rich” it don’t matter. The Democrats know this… The BIG problem is… logical reforms such as health savings accounts backed by high-deductable “disaster plans”, with tax deductions for out-of-pocket expenses and insurance premiums…(ya know, stuff that might actually work), just don’t give enough POWER to the government… which no matter what was promised, is the REAL desire of the hyper-left Democrats now in charge in D.C… has been for years.

The 500-lb gorilla in the room that complicates all this… is many (too many) Americans (including most Democrats) love the “free” part in any government program… but have the nasty habit of disliking the “government control” part. When the reality was reveled of what was actually meant by “reform” (very reluctantly by the way) in the bills offered in the House and Senate… it hit home! The threat of rationing, control of behaviors, like smoking, various no-no diets and proposed taxes on EVERYTHING (not just the “rich”)... it ALL started to come into focus! The folks (even many who voted Democrat) began to suspect “affordable healthcare” was to be extremely expensive… not in just money, but worse… in FREEDOM! Also, the deep recession and high unemployment re-focused Americans on the economy, and healthcare slipped on the “concern scale”. Surprisingly, other than some mild platitudes and vacuous rhetoric on the economy, President Obama doesn’t seem to care (he HAS a job)! Now… the heavy-handed tactics of Obama and the Democrat leadership are on vivid display… (in spite of the best efforts of most of the media to cover-up the “sausage”). President Obama and the Democrats have been in total control for a year now… and on the major issues, from war to healthcare and especially the economy, they at best seem clueless, at worst (which I suspect?) tyrant wannabes! Maybe(?) even amongst the bluest liberal voters (OMG! Even in Massachusetts yesterday!!!)… some are starting to “do the math”… and as a result Obama’s “math” (like approval polls) is sinking fast!

All American politicians, be they Jackass or Pachyderm should never forget!!! Whatever the political bent of the American citizen, we REFUSE to be anything but prosperous, and REFUSE to be anything but free… just far too many of us want someone else to pay for it. So as some in the GOP celebrate the victory of Scott Brown in the Bay State Senate race, don’t think all of Obama’s agenda has been rejected... wounded yes, rejected??? Only in part… I caution, one must always be mindful of the universal truth: “As long as larceny lives in the heart of humankind… there will be liberals”!



Fellow travelers... "Down for the Struggle"???

Bottom line (oh could it be?) … that modern Islamo-terror is just a repackaged warmed-over Marxism? Terror has always been a tool of the modern Leftist (Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Castro, Mao and Pol Pot to name a few) ... Pause a moment and recall such past “revolutionary freedom fighters” as the Europe based Baader-Meinhof Gang, Revolutionäre Zellen (RZ) and Red Army Faction. All proudly proclaimed and violently advanced their Marxist ideology. Remember in July 1976, these western Communist terrorists allied with the Islamic Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) in the infamous hijack of Air France flight 139 to Entebbe, Uganda.

Mass murder for terror was perfected in the leftist totalitarian ideologies of Communism, Fascism and Nazism that sadly "infected" much of the 20th century! Islamo-terroism takes the worst from these aforementioned “isms” and wraps it in a thin veneer of Islam. Pay attention, and note most ALL modern Islamo-terrorists (especially the leaders) have been western educated. They come to the west to get "education", attend our “fine” God, capitalism and liberty hating universities… and hear rants from the resident Commie professor how terrible America and the west are! That infused with their backward culture and leaders skilled at turning despair into rage… is a sure-fire formula that morphs into mass murder!

Look now at the Obama administration… Why do they oh so reluctantly fight the war against the Islamists (they don't even want to call it a war)? I speculate this could be because, deep down in their corrupt little liberal hearts they kinda admire these Islamo “revolutionaries”… why else would they want to grant them full American citizen rights???!!! Do the math! It only “adds up” when you realize they have a bizzare twisted kinship… and are in many aspects fellow travelers (Marx)!!!

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